This piece was first published in The Kirkwood Call, the student newspaper of Kirkwood High School in Missouri

My sophomore year started in shambles. Between relationship struggles, demanding classes, and my mom’s cancer diagnosis, my mental health began to spiral. So, looking for any answer, I turned to an empty green composition notebook on my nightstand. It became my gratitude journal.
I’m not a hardcore journal fanatic, but since that fall I’ve attempted — every night before I fall asleep — to jot down at least one aspect of my day or life that I appreciate. And no, it does not cure my ailments or fix my problems. Gratitude never got me a better grade, a different body or a quieter schedule. Truthfully, even five minutes of journaling can be a strain, as I sit there thinking this is stupid. I’d rather sleep.
But what I’ve found is that something so small can sometimes put life into so much perspective.
On March 28th, 2020, the U.S. was just beginning to navigate a global pandemic. I was grateful for the homemade bread my dad made in lockdown. On February 2nd, 2021, I was deep in anxiety and the winter blues. I was grateful for the pocket of sunlight that hit my face on the way to government class. On August 8th, 2021, I wrote, “I AM GRATEFUL FOR PEOPLE & CRÊPES.” I have no idea why and laugh about it now.
Today, gratitude is a slogan in calligraphy on the walls of middle-aged moms’ kitchens. It’s slapped on t-shirts, lighthearted and cloying: live, laugh, love. But gratitude is not something to be glossed over everyday, and it can’t be belittled by clichés. And no, a few moments of introspection and reflection on Thanksgiving probably won’t do much for you in the long run.
So, instead, humor me for a moment. Grab a piece of paper and write with me just this once, with the following questions in mind:
What are you grateful for today? Try to put a finger on any bit of the day that made you smile or something bigger in life that you take for granted. Think of physical objects, people, emotions, anything.
What are you looking forward to? Find appreciation for the things yet to come. You can extend gratitude from the past and present into the future.
Where have you witnessed casual magic lately? Author and YouTuber Jade Bowler swears by this concept of “casual magic,” which she defines as “something small, something mundane everyday to be grateful for.” Washing the dishes, watching your cat sunbathe, even the feeling of a warm sweater on a fall afternoon. There are endless ways to answer this question. It’s my favorite one by far.
And if journaling still doesn’t tickle your fancy, then I challenge you to do the following: text one person. One. Ask them what they’re grateful for. Or ask your family around the dinner table. If nothing else, the positivity from other people can inspire you to see the world in its glory.
Remember, there’s magic around you more than one day or month a year. Sophomore year I found it in healthcare, people to lean on and homework breaks. I’m confident that you can find this magic, too — as impossible as it may seem, you have something to be grateful for.